HomeWomen's sexuality

Women's sexuality

Women’s sexual responses do not need to be sociable

Surveys are inherently flawed where there is a bias in the acceptability of the responses. Frankly it is amazing that any woman ever admits...

Responsive women use fantasy to achieve arousal alone

Sexual activity is typically described in terms of physical stimulation. The idea that the brain needs to have an empathic response to eroticism is...

Women do not masturbate as a substitute for intercourse

Male responsiveness declines very gradually from adolescence onwards. Few men masturbate regularly by the age of 50. At any age most men only masturbate...

Our biological motivation to enjoy arousal and orgasm

There is a precedent for female masturbation in the animal world. Some female mammals do masturbate but since they do not ejaculate it is...

Sexual pleasure: how responsive women reach orgasm

It is often assumed that every woman masturbates just as every man (96%) does. Yet there are no research findings to support this view....

Women substitute sexual behaviours for responsiveness

Many people are outraged by the suggestion that anyone might misrepresent women's sexuality or exaggerate female responsiveness. Yet in other areas of the human...

Intercourse stimulates only the penetrator’s sex organ

Men, both gay and straight, can enjoy the intensely pleasurable sensations of anal penetration, when combined with appropriate lubrication and a sensitive lover. But...

Confusion over anatomy only arises with a male lover

Men’s orgasm techniques are consistent regardless of sexual orientation. Once his mind is triggered by a turn-on, a man stimulates his penis whether he...

The sexual anatomy involved in heterosexual intercourse

Men always approach sexual activity and orgasm with a focus on the penis: whether through intercourse, fellatio or masturbation. There is no debate over...

Most women prefer implicit explanations for their orgasms

A few women claim fantastic orgasmic feats, such as multiple orgasms. But orgasm ends sexual activity so these are, at best, just peaks of...

Women’s sexuality includes providing male erotic turn-ons

The intense focus on women’s bodies means that girls as young as five aspire to the sexual attributes and wardrobe of a Barbie doll....

Men pressure women to provide a response to intercourse

Only women are ever described as frigid (meaning cold or unloving). An unenthusiastic lover is a turn-off and causes a man to feel unappreciated....

Women are not spontaneously aroused as men tend to be

Men are easily aroused because their minds frequently focus on sexual opportunities. Nudity (especially a genital display) triggers the male brain to anticipate a...

Women assume that they should orgasm with a lover

Prostitutes are more sexually experienced than most women. Yet even they admit that they do not orgasm with clients. A woman who claims to...

Women only need to be amenable to offering intercourse

Samples based on volunteers will always attract people whose sexual (or political) motivation is well above the average for the general population. Women, who...

Women take on all the key disadvantages of intercourse

Research indicates that men are sexually active throughout their lives regardless of whether they are in a relationship. Women in relationships, in addition to...

Our biological motivation to engage in vaginal intercourse

In the animal world (especially mammals) the male initiates mating. The male drive is evidenced by the behaviour of fighting over mating rights. There...

Reproduction: the role of heterosexual intercourse

Despite the contrary research findings, society still promotes the idea that women orgasm from intercourse. Shere Hite’s research gave inconclusive results when she...

Female sexuality – a more realistic perspective

Slides summarising 'Women's Sexual Behaviours & Responses'. Humans have sex in order to reproduce, to enjoy sensual or erotic pleasure and to form the emotional...

Women deserve an unbiased account of their sexuality

We have appallingly bad sex information today because those who are reassured by mysticism far outnumber those swayed by any facts or logic. Surveys...

The clitoris is stimulated up until climax but no longer

Men’s focus on the vagina is natural given their sex drive (to impregnate a female). To experience orgasm, a woman needs a lover...

Women mature sexually much later than men tend to

Women mature sexually much later than men do so a young woman is very unlikely to discover orgasm with a lover. Over time...

Women do not experience easy erotic arousal with a lover

Lesbians have the advantage (as women) of having a similar responsiveness as their lovers. Also being women, they are not so intent on...

Women’s ability to engage in sex is not limited by orgasm

Female orgasm is not easy and to suggest otherwise trivialises the effort women’s partners make to arouse them. Women respond to please a lover....

Women have sex for emotional (rather than erotic) reasons

Sexual phenomena, such as arousal and orgasm, rely on explicitly adult themes. Anyone, who assumes these phenomena only occur in a relationship with...

Women have more reason to invest in a loving relationship

Young women cannot possibly imagine the challenge of a sexual relationship spanning decades. They experience sex through spontaneous and romantic interludes. Long-term relationships take...

A woman may offer intercourse when she feels appreciated

Romance involves a man demonstrating his interest in a woman as a person. This personalised attention helps a woman interpret a man’s sex drive...

The female mind responds to many fewer erotic turn-ons

Male orgasm is most usually associated with erotic stimuli. Yet it is often suggested (erroneously) that women need emotional stimuli to achieve orgasm....

Men enjoy penetration and thrusting more than orgasm

Everyone gets terribly emotional about insisting that women should orgasm with a lover and yet female orgasm serves no useful purpose at all. The...

Intercourse is a demonstration of male virility and potency

Although prostitutes the world over pleasure men sexually, none are called great lovers. Equally a man does not make love to a prostitute. Male...

Men want more sex than is required for reproduction

Most men are tempted by any sexual opportunity. A man’s sex drive determines intercourse frequencies so couples struggle when a man has a high...

Our biological motivation to engage in loving relationships

Research shows that, when they are alone or with another woman, women take longer to orgasm than men do. Women are only assumed to...

Emotional bonding: women are unresponsive by design

Kinsey’s work remains the most comprehensive data we have on sexuality. It represents a unique opportunity to study female sexuality at a time when...

Orgasm is not a vital aspect of women’s sexuality

All men (to varying degrees) are capable of orgasm because orgasm is the trigger for ejaculation of sperm into the vagina. Men do not...

Some women masturbate without aiming for orgasm

It is difficult to establish the nature of female masturbation. Women do not always use fantasy as men do, which suggests they may...

The clitoris is the one and only female erectile sex organ

To state the obvious: men have no organ equivalent to the vagina. By considering how human sexual response must have evolved, we can...

The sexual anatomy involved in women achieving orgasm

Shere Hite’s sample, because she targeted female orgasm specifically, included even more women (82%) who masturbated (compared with Kinsey’s sample of women). Yet even...

Women’s erotic fantasies have a psychological context

Male fantasies are usually easily applied to real life. Men fantasise about activities they would like to do. Women do not have the same...

Arousal mechanisms are not unique to one lover

Mental turn-ons (both fantasies and fetishes) are abstract concepts and objects. They are not personalised or limited to one individual. So if a man...

Orgasm depends on a positive response to eroticism

You cannot teach someone to orgasm. We discover orgasm because we have the capability. Responsiveness relies on a person’s ability to identify with erotic...

The quality aspects of orgasm rely on erotic turn-ons

Prostitutes, swingers and bluffers may talk nonchalantly about techniques for pleasuring a man. But they never refer to the erotic turn-ons they enjoy. ...